Riolu's Tale part 7 / Análisis

Por Targos5
26/06/2011 - 19:19:11
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 0.05 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Riolu: well... they said i'd be dead by now so this is going swell!
Riolu: well... they said i'd be dead by now so this is going swell!
Mensaje de victoria:
Next time riolu will have to trek up a hazerdous mountain!!! That is, unless he freezes to DEATH in this giant freezer! Stay tuned!
Next time riolu will have to trek up a hazerdous mountain!!! That is, unless he freezes to DEATH in this giant freezer! Stay tuned!
ACTO 1 :
Riolu: so, on my TO DO list;.avoid homisidle pokemon.navigate frough deadly terrain.DON'T DIE
Riolu: so, on my TO DO list;.avoid homisidle pokemon.navigate frough deadly terrain.DON'T DIE
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