The EverCrystal / Análisis
Por Oligodendrocyte
07/06/2011 - 00:42:21
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 1.5 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Something strange is going down at TMC...
Something strange is going down at TMC...
Mensaje de victoria:
What could Nova mean? Find out in the sequel! (If I have time to make it) :P
What could Nova mean? Find out in the sequel! (If I have time to make it) :P
Mensaje de fracaso:
i didn't think it was possible to lose this adventure.
i didn't think it was possible to lose this adventure.
ACTO 1 : Rumors
Stag has something to say to you.If you don't do the objectives in order, a tajore will run you over.
Stag has something to say to you.If you don't do the objectives in order, a tajore will run you over.
ACTO 2 : Xorakes' Discovery
What could that thing be?DO IN ORDER OR IT WON'T MAKE ANY CENTS!
What could that thing be?DO IN ORDER OR IT WON'T MAKE ANY CENTS!
ACTO 3 : Horror
What is this place? It appears that there is a hill in the distance. Go check it out, because it may be your only way out of here. I promise, if you jump enough, you can get through the lake!
What is this place? It appears that there is a hill in the distance. Go check it out, because it may be your only way out of here. I promise, if you jump enough, you can get through the lake!
ACTO 4 : What Was That?
What just happened?
What just happened?
ACTO 5 : A Message
Look! Nova?
Look! Nova?
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