Jungle village template / Análisis

Por oddcreator97
14/07/2010 - 18:22:02
Tipo: Plantilla de aventura
Puntuación: 0.4 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You beam down into a tree near the village. Jump down carefully and enjoy!
You beam down into a tree near the village. Jump down carefully and enjoy!
Mensaje de victoria:
Hope you liked it : ). Rate, comment and subscribe!
Hope you liked it : ). Rate, comment and subscribe!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Ah well, I'm sure the tribe will make good use of your dead body. >"'xo
Ah well, I'm sure the tribe will make good use of your dead body. >"'xo
ACTO 1 :
Beam up when you're done.
Beam up when you're done.
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