Tomb of the Ancients / Análisis

Por FilipT
14/04/2010 - 14:11:43

Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 0.8 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Here you go!
Mensaje de victoria:
You are the best! Congratulations for winning this Maze-Adventure!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Hey, this is not any Free - Points adventure, you must take some effort to win it.
ACTO 1 :   Maze!
You must find the Entrance to the Tomb of Ancients, it looks like big hole in the ground.
ACTO 2 :   Got it!

ACTO 3 :   Oh no!
Hurry ! Take the treasure and run away!!!
ACTO 4 :   You made it!
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