Server Error / Análisis

Por ZeekSlider
23/03/2010 - 22:36:41

Tipo: Aventura de puzzle
Puntuación: 0.71 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
The air is thick with electrical currents and magnetic fields! Hopefully your electronic equipment won’t short out on you while you’re on this planet.
Mensaje de victoria:
Good work, Captain! Maybe next time YOUR computer breaks, you'll be able to fix it in a similar manner.
Mensaje de fracaso:
Confirm Deletion: Are you sure you want to delete this file?
ACTO 1 :   FAQ
Find a Tech and talk to them about the situation. Make sure you find someone that doesn't speak in technical terms!
ACTO 2 :   Downloading...
Prepare yourself for an adventure in cyber space! Hopefully, turning into digital data isn't as painful as it sounds.
ACTO 3 :   Scanning Files...
Look around the system for any unusual activities among the Boxy. With any luck, you should be able to find the source of the problem.
ACTO 4 :   The System Is Down
Down with the funk! Yeah, baby! Let's rock this party like a fossilized tree's swim trunk!
ACTO 5 :   System Compromised
OMG! can uz hax da systim n fined wat iz cuzing all these bugs? TYVM! LOL
ACTO 6 :   Threat Deleted
With the system threat deleted, there's no need for the Firewalls to stay up! Now how do you get out of this place?
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