New-Ephia I A New Life / Análisis

Por blargle
17/02/2010 - 03:15:20
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Your name is Pelias, and you are a third class engineer. The Emperor has summoned you.
Your name is Pelias, and you are a third class engineer. The Emperor has summoned you.
Mensaje de victoria:
A rebellion he says. You don't know much about it, but you want to.
A rebellion he says. You don't know much about it, but you want to.
Mensaje de fracaso:
The security drones often malfunction.
The security drones often malfunction.
ACTO 1 : The Emperor
The Palace is just up the hill, and the Emperor is waiting to give you a special assignment.
The Palace is just up the hill, and the Emperor is waiting to give you a special assignment.
ACTO 2 : A system
You think this system will work, but you better check with the Emperor first.
You think this system will work, but you better check with the Emperor first.
ACTO 3 : Back to the Factory
Go back to the factory, so Markad knows where to deliver your nodes to.
Go back to the factory, so Markad knows where to deliver your nodes to.
ACTO 4 : Success!
The platforms are floating! What was the meeting Markad was talking about?
The platforms are floating! What was the meeting Markad was talking about?
ACTO 5 : Inspection Time
Go and inspect the docking ports.
Go and inspect the docking ports.
ACTO 6 : A Surprise
The Emperor was very pleased with your work, and he has a little surprise for you.
The Emperor was very pleased with your work, and he has a little surprise for you.
ACTO 7 : The Meeting.
Follow the main path through the housing development. Then take a left at the factory, and go into the forest. You'll find Markad there.
Follow the main path through the housing development. Then take a left at the factory, and go into the forest. You'll find Markad there.
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