Bixie Valentine Land / Análisis
Por tuinahvuni
15/02/2010 - 00:24:34
Tipo: Aventura de colección
Puntuación: 0.26 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Welcome to Bixie Valentine Land! An enchanted land filled with love...and a few meanies that want to ruin your day!
Welcome to Bixie Valentine Land! An enchanted land filled with love...and a few meanies that want to ruin your day!
Mensaje de victoria:
Woohoo! Yayz! Enjoy your victory - you rock Captain!
Woohoo! Yayz! Enjoy your victory - you rock Captain!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Don't give up...try try again!
Don't give up...try try again!
ACTO 1 : Bixie Valentine Land
Welcome to Bixie Valentine land! Talk to Millie Bixie, I think she needs your help.
Welcome to Bixie Valentine land! Talk to Millie Bixie, I think she needs your help.
ACTO 2 : The Living Room
Talk to Hillie Bixie, she's over there in the chair waiting for you.
Talk to Hillie Bixie, she's over there in the chair waiting for you.
ACTO 3 : The Dining Room
Talk to Jillie Bixie, she's waiting for you at the dining table.
Talk to Jillie Bixie, she's waiting for you at the dining table.
ACTO 4 : The Bedroom
Talk to Trillie Bixie, she's sitting on the bed.
Talk to Trillie Bixie, she's sitting on the bed.
ACTO 5 : Beware!
Talk to Millie again to find the rest of the babies. Beware of the Robed Ones in the woods!
Talk to Millie again to find the rest of the babies. Beware of the Robed Ones in the woods!
ACTO 6 : Celebration!
Find the Bixies, and let's get this party started!
Find the Bixies, and let's get this party started!
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