the mine / Análisis

Por jackieboy1234
13/01/2010 - 19:03:55

Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje de victoria:
yay calbe will prosper with the mine back
Mensaje de fracaso:
calbe will never get the mine back now
ACTO 1 :   look around
this is calbe wow wat a place lets have a look round
ACTO 2 :   talk to some locals
talk to the harbour master and the local farmers and the blacksmith and the fishermen
ACTO 3 :   fred
time to talk to fisher men fred hes a local smuggler he know wats going on
ACTO 4 :   plane ride woooooo
get to the plane
ACTO 5 :   look around
look around
ACTO 6 :   kill the ferron
kill the ferron
ACTO 7 :   to talk to chief
go tell the chelf wat you done use the plane again just walk right up to it
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