Delivery / Análisis
26/12/2009 - 01:54:27
Tipo: Aventura de colección
Puntuación: 0.04 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Welcome stranger. What are you waiting for? Ah, yes. Here is your mission!
Welcome stranger. What are you waiting for? Ah, yes. Here is your mission!
Mensaje de victoria:
Congratulations! You earned your reward, captain!
Congratulations! You earned your reward, captain!
Mensaje de fracaso:
You F-A-I-L!!!
You F-A-I-L!!!
ACTO 1 : The issue.
Speak with the troubled farmer (who is actually an ultra-rich persona from a different galaxy)!
Speak with the troubled farmer (who is actually an ultra-rich persona from a different galaxy)!
ACTO 2 : The clue.
Speak with the villager who saw the missing Ello.
Speak with the villager who saw the missing Ello.
ACTO 3 : Into the woods.
Find the missing Ello in the woods, outside of the village! I wonder what they're celebrating...
Find the missing Ello in the woods, outside of the village! I wonder what they're celebrating...
ACTO 4 : Bring it back!
Now return with the Ello to the troubled farmer.
Now return with the Ello to the troubled farmer.
ACTO 5 : Speak with the farmer.
Now that you have found the animal and brought it to the farm, speak with the villager.
Now that you have found the animal and brought it to the farm, speak with the villager.
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