Tarak Defence / Análisis
Por TarakTom
24/09/2009 - 19:00:39
Tipo: Aventura de defensa
Puntuación: 1.67 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Looks nice but whats with all the cheering?
Looks nice but whats with all the cheering?
Mensaje de victoria:
Excellent you just helped keep a warmungering race survire another blood soaked day i hope your happy!
Excellent you just helped keep a warmungering race survire another blood soaked day i hope your happy!
Mensaje de fracaso:
What you were hideing behind walls how did you lose?
What you were hideing behind walls how did you lose?
ACTO 1 : A warm welcome
maybe i should talk to that guy he looks to be incharge.
maybe i should talk to that guy he looks to be incharge.
I wonder whats on the other side of that gate?
I wonder whats on the other side of that gate?
ACTO 3 : First wave
They're attacking and going straight for the gates prepare your self.
They're attacking and going straight for the gates prepare your self.
ACTO 4 : Second Wave
Damn they're through, WARRIORS ATTACK
Damn they're through, WARRIORS ATTACK
ACTO 5 : The begining of the end
Most of their army is dead keep fighting
Most of their army is dead keep fighting
ACTO 6 : The last few
Their army is dead just one final push, to the enemy main camp
Their army is dead just one final push, to the enemy main camp
ACTO 7 : Peace at last
i think the king will want to speak with me i did leave quite a mess.
i think the king will want to speak with me i did leave quite a mess.
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