Skull Island part 3 / Análisis

Por Jetavian
19/09/2009 - 14:07:52

Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You've ventured into the swamp of Skull island. This area is made up of large waterways, misty river banks, a giant fish.
Mensaje de victoria:
That was close, now we can explore the great jungle of Skull island.
Mensaje de fracaso:
Darn, don't feel too bad you died, it's not easy surviving on this island anyway.
ACTO 1 :   The swamp
The water is getting too shallow to continue with the raft, you will have to explore this area on foot. Look for any large animals here.
ACTO 2 :   Noises in the swamp
Did you hear that? There is definitely something big wandering around here. Look around and find the scource.
ACTO 3 :   Piranhodon stalks
A Piranhodon! These are deadly giants of the swamps. This is a female because she is larger. Go in the oposite direction she came from and see what you can find.
ACTO 4 :   Burn
Good, wait for the fire to burn out.
ACTO 5 :   A dip in the swamp
Nothing but water. There is dry land not far away from here, but you'll need to swim there. Keep an eye out for Scorpiopedes though...
ACTO 6 :   Swim Captain, swim!
The Piranhodon is after you! Quick, get to dry land!
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