Dashing through the Snow / Análisis

Por RustyCopperWolf
14/08/2009 - 14:27:07
Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 1.09 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You made it back to 'Artiton. It seems very nice during the winter. Well, time to go to that festival!
You made it back to 'Artiton. It seems very nice during the winter. Well, time to go to that festival!
Mensaje de victoria:
You got through the race and made a new record! Great Work!
You got through the race and made a new record! Great Work!
Mensaje de fracaso:
awww... you didn't succeed...
awww... you didn't succeed...
ACTO 1 : Winter days at 'Artiton
Ricky is right there waiting for you. Go and speak with him.
Ricky is right there waiting for you. Go and speak with him.
ACTO 2 : To the Event!
Follow Ricky to the Start/Finish Banner, then wait for Shaun to come back.
Follow Ricky to the Start/Finish Banner, then wait for Shaun to come back.
ACTO 3 : The Rules
Speak to Shaun about some info on this event.
Speak to Shaun about some info on this event.
ACTO 4 :
ACTO 5 : Race to the Light House!
Try to beat Ricky's Record!
Try to beat Ricky's Record!
ACTO 6 : New Record!
You beat the record! Nice Job!
You beat the record! Nice Job!
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