Tutorial - Climbable Ladder / Análisis
Por MaxisCactus
15/07/2009 - 19:33:18
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 2.12 (Bueno)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Play the adventure, then open it in edit mode to see how the scene was set up to create a climbable ladder.
Play the adventure, then open it in edit mode to see how the scene was set up to create a climbable ladder.
Mensaje de victoria:
Great job! Want to see how to set up an easy ladder? Open this adventure in edit mode, and check out how an invisible jump pad and fence were used to make climbing ladders easy.
Great job! Want to see how to set up an easy ladder? Open this adventure in edit mode, and check out how an invisible jump pad and fence were used to make climbing ladders easy.
ACTO 1 : Climb the ladder.
Approache the ladder and move up it.
Approache the ladder and move up it.
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