Simants in your Pants / Análisis

Por Luminar
11/07/2009 - 23:51:27
Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 0.45 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Welcome back to 1991, where the lawns are fresh and green, spiders run rampant and ants are apparently herbivores and eat peas.Funny, that.
Welcome back to 1991, where the lawns are fresh and green, spiders run rampant and ants are apparently herbivores and eat peas.Funny, that.
Mensaje de victoria:
You've done it!I bet it's been some years since you've had an encounter like that...
You've done it!I bet it's been some years since you've had an encounter like that...
Mensaje de fracaso:
Insert gruesomely explicit death description here.
Insert gruesomely explicit death description here.
ACTO 1 : Hail to the Queen, baby!
Talk to your dear old mother and see what she wants.
Talk to your dear old mother and see what she wants.
ACTO 2 : Dinner Time
Go gather a.. uh.. whatever they are.
Go gather a.. uh.. whatever they are.
ACTO 3 : Proletaricide
Kill the Red Ant workers! If you're finding it difficult, find some soldiers and try to socialise with them to enlist their help.
Kill the Red Ant workers! If you're finding it difficult, find some soldiers and try to socialise with them to enlist their help.
ACTO 4 : Royal Planning
The Queen demands your attention! Attend!
The Queen demands your attention! Attend!
ACTO 5 : She's a Killer Queen
Destroy the Red Queen and the Black Ants will be one step closer to owning the whole wide yard...
Destroy the Red Queen and the Black Ants will be one step closer to owning the whole wide yard...
ACTO 6 : So here's a Giant Enemy Man
That giant monster has activated a bizarre machine! Make it safely back to your nest or it's curtains for you!
That giant monster has activated a bizarre machine! Make it safely back to your nest or it's curtains for you!
A clan of bees have moved into the yard that the Black Ants have rightfully earned. The monster is on the rampage. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
A clan of bees have moved into the yard that the Black Ants have rightfully earned. The monster is on the rampage. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
ACTO 8 : Victory for the Black Ants!
Hooray! The Black Ants own the yard forever!
Hooray! The Black Ants own the yard forever!
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