Scavenger Race / Análisis
Por RustyCopperWolf
11/07/2009 - 23:10:46
Tipo: Aventura de puzzle
Puntuación: 0.5 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
A Scavenger Race Competition is held every year on this planet. You should try it out.
A Scavenger Race Competition is held every year on this planet. You should try it out.
Mensaje de victoria:
You Won the Competition! Great Job!
You Won the Competition! Great Job!
Mensaje de fracaso:
You didn't win... well, you tried...
You didn't win... well, you tried...
ACTO 1 : Scavenger Race
There seems to be a Competition going on. Go and check it out!
There seems to be a Competition going on. Go and check it out!
ACTO 2 : On Your Mark, Get Set...
ACTO 3 : GO!!!
Get to the White Key before anyone else!
Get to the White Key before anyone else!
ACTO 4 : Victory!
You Won! Bring the Key back to the Leemothis!
You Won! Bring the Key back to the Leemothis!
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