Spore Park / Análisis
Por engeettom
10/07/2009 - 21:21:17
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You land in a third world area to find something very important to a park.
You land in a third world area to find something very important to a park.
Mensaje de victoria:
You have gone into the extinct world and come back alive. Congratulations and hoped you enjoyed Spore Park.
You have gone into the extinct world and come back alive. Congratulations and hoped you enjoyed Spore Park.
Mensaje de fracaso:
Too bad watch out for dinos next time
Too bad watch out for dinos next time
ACTO 1 : Discover the DNA
ACTO 2 : Find out what really is going on
ACTO 3 : Enter the extinct world
ACTO 4 : Go on the tour
ACTO 5 : Follow the tour
ACTO 6 : the tour and the way home
ACTO 7 : Home sweet home
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