The Bad War III / Análisis

Por Zietmon
08/07/2009 - 19:43:53
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
The Bads retreated to this planet just south of Badia. We believe they have set up a base of operations here. We're sending you to find out why. Failure is not an option!
The Bads retreated to this planet just south of Badia. We believe they have set up a base of operations here. We're sending you to find out why. Failure is not an option!
Mensaje de victoria:
That'll teach em to mess with the Dragonites! Thanks captian!
That'll teach em to mess with the Dragonites! Thanks captian!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Looks like these Bads are tougher than they look, better luck next time?
Looks like these Bads are tougher than they look, better luck next time?
ACTO 1 : Find and Contact Ralph.
After you find the base, contact Ralph, he should be outside.
After you find the base, contact Ralph, he should be outside.
ACTO 2 : Plans Swipe
The Art of the Ninja...be silent and swipe the scroll containing plans for nuclear weapons.
The Art of the Ninja...be silent and swipe the scroll containing plans for nuclear weapons.
ACTO 3 : Speak with Ralph
Give the plans to Ralph, he'll know what to do next.
Give the plans to Ralph, he'll know what to do next.
Time to blow that missile up! Note: You can bring Ralph but be careful! He's inportant government property!(There is a secret entrance leading to the Weapon, if you find the key, use it!)
Time to blow that missile up! Note: You can bring Ralph but be careful! He's inportant government property!(There is a secret entrance leading to the Weapon, if you find the key, use it!)
ACTO 5 : Find the Real one!
Grrr, those Bads tricked us! Find the real one so we can get out of here!
Grrr, those Bads tricked us! Find the real one so we can get out of here!
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