Clark and Stanley Go Skydiving / Análisis

Por Galactic President
07/07/2009 - 03:34:05
Tipo: Aventura de socialización
Puntuación: 1.3 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Our sensors indicate that Stanley and Clark are requesting your assisstance (again). Go see what they want this time.
Our sensors indicate that Stanley and Clark are requesting your assisstance (again). Go see what they want this time.
Mensaje de victoria:
Whew! That was exhilerating! Too bad Clark and Stanley exploded...
Whew! That was exhilerating! Too bad Clark and Stanley exploded...
Mensaje de fracaso:
This runway sucks anyway.
This runway sucks anyway.
ACTO 1 : Good Day For Skydiving
Go see Clark and Stanley at the end of the runway. Just don't get too close. You know what happens if you do.
Go see Clark and Stanley at the end of the runway. Just don't get too close. You know what happens if you do.
ACTO 2 : What?!
Maybe we shouldn't go skydiving... this runway seems too unsafe.
Maybe we shouldn't go skydiving... this runway seems too unsafe.
ACTO 3 : Wait A Second...
Hey! Why aren't Clark and Stanley dead by now? Oh well, at least you don't have to go skydiving...
Hey! Why aren't Clark and Stanley dead by now? Oh well, at least you don't have to go skydiving...
ACTO 4 : Get Ready!
You are on the plane and ready to dive!! But why aren't Clark and Stanley dead yet?
You are on the plane and ready to dive!! But why aren't Clark and Stanley dead yet?
ACTO 5 : Skydiving With Clark and Stanley
OK, this is a bit strange... you've gone through five acts and Clark and Stanley are still alive... Hey! They forgot parachutes!
OK, this is a bit strange... you've gone through five acts and Clark and Stanley are still alive... Hey! They forgot parachutes!
ACTO 6 : Uh oh!
Clark and Stanley forgot parachutes!
Clark and Stanley forgot parachutes!
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