The Arena of Burning Rage / Análisis
Por stinger715
01/07/2009 - 01:58:06
Tipo: Aventura de ataque
Puntuación: 1.15 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Survive the Trials of Combat and prove your skill as a great gladiator.
Survive the Trials of Combat and prove your skill as a great gladiator.
Mensaje de victoria:
Well done, gladiator! You have faced the Trials of Combat and have won the day!
Well done, gladiator! You have faced the Trials of Combat and have won the day!
Mensaje de fracaso:
You have been bested in the Trials of Combat. The crowd calls out for the next champion to enter the Arena!
You have been bested in the Trials of Combat. The crowd calls out for the next champion to enter the Arena!
ACTO 1 : Trials of Combat
Welcome, ya soon to be dead guy welcome to your first round o' fighting
Welcome, ya soon to be dead guy welcome to your first round o' fighting
ACTO 2 : Trials of Combat
Time to fight the original gladiators, good luck!
Time to fight the original gladiators, good luck!
ACTO 3 : Trials of Combat
Weapon-toting mercenaries strut into the Arena. Your death is their payday. That ain't funny
Weapon-toting mercenaries strut into the Arena. Your death is their payday. That ain't funny
ACTO 4 : Trials of Combat
Parasites!! This a deathtrap, not an arena!
Parasites!! This a deathtrap, not an arena!
ACTO 5 : Trials of Combat
Take down that spider-like canakini along side with parasites. If you die I'll pretend to cry.
Take down that spider-like canakini along side with parasites. If you die I'll pretend to cry.
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