Scrub Scrub

By Pokemonkab
12/12/2024 - 21:21:31
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: bridge, containsbossbattle, death, demon, fragile, lava, plzvote, scrub, underworld, unleashedseries
Uhhh, Ain't This A Bit Too GRIM For Them?
Side 17: To Face Des'Hes, The Third Protocol Guardian, The Purgatoes Must Head Into The Underworld Itself! If They Can't Take The Heat, Then The Purgato Protocol ''SCRUB'' Will Never Be Found!

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By Pokemonkab
Now, while we said yesterday that we would be using a pendulum, we were initially planning to head for the Plunger Alley, and we can't make those plunger-loving fans sad, so...*closes the votes* Let'sa Go!
By fungus3
By fungus3
This part is definitely award-worthy
By fungus3
This is ESPECIALLY BAD for time limits, too
By fungus3
I keep softlocking to clipping issues in the bridged
By Pokemonkab
We had to reshare this to take the hazards away: There are duplicate crewmembers just before the boss room if you keep on losing everyone to lava....Good luck!
By Pokemonkab
Well, normally on the 12th day of Christmas it'd be cool, but here it's downright HOT! And you might be as well if you can't face the BOSS, THEN VOTE...But you've got lots of time. Friday the 13th takes us on a three day trip just because!