Ice Cream Sandvich
Not rated

By GortTheGrox
04/16/2015 - 19:12:10
Type: City Hall building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop
A regular sandvich can infect the organs of an alien Heavy, so this was invented for them. And yes, it is safe.
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By artysan822
Did you take my sandvich
By Koolkid399
By GortTheGrox
It is safe to eat. Perhaps I was saying it wrong. I meant "itz gud 4 alienz."
By spiderdude06
alien heavy: yum!!! *eats ice cream* AMAZ....*HELPEHDRTEFRG?!!?!?
By GortTheGrox
Yes, you can actually eat this. It was made by Ayleen Inc, so feel free to eat it. (Get it? Mann Co? Ayleen Inc?)
By SissyGamer