Mooing Mooshroom
Not rated

By Salooverall
02/19/2015 - 18:16:36

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.11 (Not rated)
Tags: bovine, cow, minecraft, minecraft mob, mooooooooooooooo, mooshroom, red bull lololololol, red mushroom, red polkadot mushroom, salooverall, shrooms, taurus muhsroomis, their milk is mushroom stew, this type of mushroom is poisonus btw ._.


The second type of cow that exists in the lands of Minecraftia!

Seems to like red mushrooms a lot. Or maybe they're just a mutated form of mushroom. I dunno how evolution works in Minecraft. Creepers are probably mutated immature potatoes. Right? :D


DNA points
45 Bones4 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +3
18 %
100 %
9 / 20
5 / 20
2 / 15
4 / 52 / 50 / 5
0 / 53 / 52 / 5
5 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By SeriousMANBOT

XD a realistic mooshroom

By Pikamence9999999

Holy cow!

By PullingTheString

Great cow. I like how you did the mushrooms.

By Gygis01

Awww... curious this mob. Me, i would not have mushrooms that grows on me. x)

By Aladingenie

Creepers are descended from the same ancestor as pigs.

By GortTheGrox

They were created when a cow got infected by a mushroom, and they spread it to other cows. Shearing their life-controlling mushrooms get rid of their infection.

By Anubis170

A Mooshroom! Jolly good show!

By Triop5

Yikes, a Cordyceps'd cow!

By 13Jabberwock31

Excellent Mooshroom, Sal! After three years at Minecraft, I haven't encountered one yet! Where do you find them? Love the build and the detailing of the attached mushrooms! Rated ?! Lo?!?

By Kentrohorns

awesome knurlwork, love the colors R

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