Calavius Model IX
Not rated

By nogoodnames
05/22/2014 - 19:35:24

Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: anno 2114, retro2114romancars


This vehicle spontaneously materialized in CERN's Large Hadron Collider during a high energy collision. The only clues to its origin are its name, the number MMCVIII, presumed to be the manufacturing date, and a half-eaten honey cake in the back seat.


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By SmoothLee

Great design! I'll be rooting for you!

By XxArixX

Nice work!

By AnkhAnanku

love the origin story

By BrokenEyeReborn

nogoodnames? Any relation to RubbishyUsername?

By BrokenEyeReborn

Looking pretty spiffy.

By PlasmaFire

very cool looking vehicle, good shape and colors, thumbs up!

By Hilight

excellent :)

By twistingwinds

That is one good looking thingamajigger!

By MushiSushi101

Cool. R+

By krcmar

Amazing work, must be from a parallel universe

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