Not rated

By inkyspode24
12/08/2013 - 06:19:20

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


I quit making creations (Not SPORE), I have nothing to do. Find me on AJ/AnimalJam, my username is XxInkySpodexX. Or email me at inkyspode24@gmail.com, well, see ya later!


By daviejr

huwo! i haz dert on u inky! onse i wyz datin mah boifreind on aj adn u showd up ands siad "u mach me" anz zent me jammywammygrams saying it too

By runchis

When Spore gets fixed again I'll make you a tiger c:

By inkyspode24

(Those two Emails are not the ones I use for SPORE.)

By inkyspode24

Or: inkyspode@hotmail.com


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