WX-44 'Banshee'
Not rated

By Xenopologist
08/25/2012 - 01:22:07

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Tags: xenopologist


In an era of autotargeting turrets and computers capable of thinking much more quickly than any carbon-based lifeform, manned starfighters are more or less obsolete. But they still outperform all other ships in one area: looking incredibly flash.


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By HRmatthew

Are you still here???

By IceFang99

Very nice

By TheShipBuilder

Hey Xeno, been a while since I've seen you build anything. Wanna shake that dust off by entering my flagship contest? http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/79431.page

By Blackpanfa

Awesome ship! Been ages since I went on spore and nobody is on it anymore :(

By FrogieLachie007L

Haha lol, oh well good luck!

By FrogieLachie007L

Hey Xeno, you still around :D?

By Roborider

Extremely well done. Looks great. Love the bits on the underside.

By Ginjaninja08

Thank you (: It means a lot!

By MadEyeJude

really cool shape on this ship!


very nice!!!!

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