In Defense of EAW
Not rated

By Drew980
08/17/2012 - 16:26:12
Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: drew980, kylelck, luminarian, wangle
A Wangle attack is happening, fight with EAW to defend a Lumi colony. This is to be taken seriously and is apart of the overall story of EAW.

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By MadEyeJude
hm, I can't play yours btw. It says there are creations in there they are locked for me. Too bad.
By yuzazi
Ponies are now canon. Kralas are now music buffs. This adventure is now canon.
By Stryfe89
I no longer need to play GA, i have just played the best adventure that this community could ever offer, nothing can possibly top this.
By SapphireFlame
I took this adventure very seriously.
By Aurikine
"Well lets just say it is not very scifi but has the good details ah-ah-ah-ah".
By AmadeusReborn
Better adventure than what blue says, 12 out of 10. In the face bluepanties.
By BlueDragonic
Best adventure ever. 11 out of 10. Amazing work. Nice details.