Santa's market place
Not rated

By Ansje
12/07/2011 - 19:27:13
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: "winterwars2011" ansje
Entry for kamitue's winterwars contest.*** Storyline entry: Santa couldn't care less about some nasty vultures targeted by rockets. Thinking that the Anti Santa must have invested a fortune in the rockets, Santa enjoyed the barbecue with his southern relatives. To enhance the festivities and to finance his unfortunate war Santa had his elfs place some market stalls were folks could buy all kind of liquor, donuts and lots of useless stuff, all at inflated prices. The silly articles were in high demand and Santa did not complain about his Christmas sellings.***
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By sefmonsta
...and comment me if it's too complex to add things (like this stand). I could change the parcels to use less parts.
By sefmonsta
GA is up now... let me know when you've got it so I can delete the temporary share...
By Vektrix
Pound a punnet, pound a punnet - hang on R+
By typomazoku
lol@description. Nice market stall. ^_^ I find myself being inspired... despite my best attempts not to be.
By warwolf47
Thanks ansje - but trust me - those Churches get real drafty in the winter,- glad you liked it though
By Smoerre
By Ivonne
Der ist dir wirklich Fantastisch gelungen und eine tolle Kreation. :-)
By DH106
My next move is out :)
By DH106
Finally a chance for good old ASBOS sabotage work... Beautifully played and R+.