Uathaani Outpost
Not rated

By Xenopologist
04/05/2011 - 01:35:46

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 2 (Not rated)
Tags: set:uathaani_remote, xenopologist


A self-sufficient and self-contained Uathaani colony in and of itself, for use on worlds with low terrascores.


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By Dreamwalker_13

Amazingly done building, that show your skill in the editors. Well done! :D

By Cryopathic

Wow, very nice modular building. :D

By hacksavv

You should consider finshing and or publishing your Uathaani set. I am interested to see how they look civilized.

By TorchwoodArchive

I like the window paint scheme! Uprated.

By Mortensenii

Took forever to load in viewer but definitely worth it, the contrasting windows and structure colors are really well done along with the T0 aura its got going

By UltimateZob

@your comment: Oh, yes, I see that... my bad.

By tomographics


By UltimateZob

A very cool building here, fantastically designed. Although, I gotta ask... why'd you just compliment yourself? :P

By Beaker73

Beautiful. The variation in structural pieces is fantastic. I really like your use of roof pieces for supports at the base.

By Xeneologist

This is a great realistic building. I especially like the windows! R

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