MX304-a 'Herd Hauler'
Not rated

By AstralMagnet
02/24/2011 - 19:28:24

Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0.81 (Not rated)
Tags: air, military, set:xh1, ship


The MX304 is a versatile series of vessels with many variants. This varient beams flocks of livestock into it's computer cores and beams them down at the main farming station. Generally used on farms the size of small continents with millions of animals.


By jschwegman

Wow, you have some really impressive spaceship designs! I like the repeating elements on the front.

By jschwegman

Thanks for your kind comment! I pop in every once and a while and try to answer comments, but I'm basically retired these days. Too many other things going on...

By TheShipBuilder

How have I not seen your ships before? They are great!

By Xenopologist

Loving the alien industrial look to this ship - nice use of those cockpit parts towards the front in particular. R+

By Hydro_Glyph

excellent ship, very cool shape..

By shortbreadtom

Fantastic! I really like the description, and this looks amazing!

By Zaneas

Great ship, the colors and shape lend it a dark and industrial look.

By Hilight

Thanks for adding me to your buddy list--very well done ship here R+


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