Bowser Bowl

By Dalmatious
02/12/2011 - 06:51:38

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 12.5 (Good)
Tags: dalmatious, ezrie, ezriecart, race


Dalmatious has tricked out her water bowl to travel through bowsers castle. It is filled with water to avoid fireballs, fans to blow away any ash or lava and retractible atv tracks for steep climbs. Dalmatious is also wearing a miner cap just in case she gets trapped in any caves and protective eyewear for any stray fire blasts. Made for ezrie cart 5.


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By awesome24712

Going in a tub of water? Creative :D

By Kreaturnator

Lol, what a neat way to go on the race! COOL!

By yorokobu

CONGRATULATIONS you won the egg!!! Welcome to the contest!! :D Please see the rules on the Contest creation. :D

By cormorana

nice dalmatious!

By sefmonsta

Nice kart - you look well prepared to race!

By Sean10M


By tomographics

Lol. One year is certainly a long time!

By tomographics

Lol. Very nice

By Hilight

Very cool R+!

By Ezrie

Thanks.. Love the driver. =)

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