Upload this (part 1)
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By 9natedawg
11/09/2010 - 01:53:45

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.75 (Not rated)


Iknow some people aren't christian (some athiest) but I felt it was very important to convince people. Jesus DIED, very painfully I might add, for YOU. He died so you didn't have to live your eternal life in h-e-double hockey sticks....


By possum95

Nice creation!

By possum95

......(sorry)....Lol....okay, I'm done.

By UltimateZob

Way to spread the truth, man. :)

By guitar_player1

beautiful creation. very nice way to spread the truth. i will upload this for sure.

By cat11dog22

i love it man. Jesus died a very painful way for our sins


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