UEC logo
Not rated

By Nikiny
10/28/2010 - 20:47:07

Type: City Hall building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: ( united. eco. command.)


Were strong as a mighty lion, Fierce as a king cobra's bite, we are the UEC and we want you to join the UEC to fight off the evil and restore peace to the universe. plz post a comment if you want to join. if joined you can build ships for the UEC. join plz


By Nikiny

UEC stands for United Eco Command.
We are the protectors of life.
kinda Spodeish
and i am back :D

By Connor102

Sounds interesting. The Borgi'Di race are at your service, should you allow me to join. Also, what does the UEC stand for?

By Nikiny

welcome to the UEC area post a "want to join" comment here if you want to join. if so you must applie to these simple rules: 1. make your use of time to build ships (land sea space) 2. and encourage others to help our world a better place to live.


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