TRoD part 19
Not rated


By shadewolf16
08/19/2010 - 02:01:29

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)


Freasha finds the true reason why tiger is acting so strange,the group soon learns that they have to get moving,fast.



By iveit25

Thanks for tellin' me that, I'll fix later.....because I'm throwing a beach party for Satarday! XD You want to come?

By iveit25

I just got into 7th.... >.> I hate it already and it's only been two days... this years gonna be horrible....D:l

By iveit25

URR! Yor soo lucky!!! D: I'm just 12, I'll be 13 this ocotober, uggg.....so your in eighth grade?

By iveit25

This is like a really weird question....but How old are you?

By Irken--invader68

yeah! IN TEST DRIVE ELECTROCUTE! make her throw up and punch her XD!!!

By Irken--invader68


By Irken--invader68


By Irken--invader68

YAAAAY OMG ME PLAEE RIIT NOWZ!!!! LFLbodebfdosifdnk bjfdnbf!!! =D (l-- excited jibberish XD)


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