NCL Template 01 Contest

By Nomicakes
05/29/2010 - 08:04:12

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 5 (Good)
Tags: contest, ncl, nclcontest, nomicakes, template


You don't see enough Spaceship or vehicle templates these days. So I'm offering up this contest: Use what I've given here to make the best spaceship you can design off it. If I get enough entries, there will be prizes involved. Rules: 1) Don't edit any of the pieces I've given. 2) The yellow-colored piece is your designated cockpit; don't add your own. You may, however, extend it. 3) Freedom is NOT allowed. (AddDNA won't be needed, noone ever hits the DNA cap before the complexity cap in the vehicle editors) 4)Judging will be done by myself, and prizes will be given for 1st, second, and third place. I may also create a participation trophy. 5)If there aren't enough entries, I will be a sad panda, but will still give out prizes. 6) Tag all entires with NCLContest Good luck! Deadline TBD.


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By 2kids55

I made an Entry, Crab NCL

By ArsDraconis

Made you one. Please check it out and leave your feedback!

By muzza299

i'll enter

By Matticus88

I made an entry. please check it out :)

By noname117

made a third entry, the navatort starfighter

By simeball

I've another entry for your consideration thats called "Ironfire" hope you like it.

By Wag88

im going to make one

By Prototype00

Look out for the TC-Intercepter if you still have the contest going :P

By simeball

hey Nomi, my entry is ready its called "Warhawk", and one more question, can we submit more than one entry?

By simeball

nevermind I just saw your comment to alex, must be yellow.

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