Des Borador

By Nomicakes
05/08/2010 - 20:47:18

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 7.5 (Good)
Tags: blugh, nomicakes, sigh


Lack of ideas is destroying the designs of my ships.


By nerdles

hey thanks nomicakes! and yeah lol, its a prototype so i intend to mess around with it to make it more beastly, but thanks for the suggestion! i'll definitely consider it :)

By Alex27123344

i like the spinning discs around the turrets!

By nerdles

lack of ideas? this one's sweet!

By avaslash

i know what you mean sigh, but this one (not to suprisingly) turned out very well.

By Kai-Uwe79

i dont know what you mean. i like this one Oo

By Spottsapien

Like it. The details on the back are good but there's something not quite done about the front. GJ R+

By simeball

looks good to me,its got a nice color/texture and the wheels by the rear turrets looks pretty cool, I like it! rated up!

By luckyburdock

I thin this is pretty cool, looks very rugged and bulky.

By Kaleon

I can see you're frustration. The ship looks forced and simplistic, but I like the rear half. The best tonic for creator's block is to go watch an epic sci-fi movie.


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