V-Star Junkship

By Nomicakes
05/08/2010 - 08:11:08

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: fighter, grey, junkship, nomicakes, red, yellow


Personal junkship of the pirate 'Vapid'.
Believes himself to be an interstellar celebrity, so he named his ship the 'V-Star'. Little does he know, that he is the most laughed-at would-be pirate among the stars.


By Bagelthief239

holy crap. thats tight dude.

By Alex27123344

i love the emblem on the gun. and very fitting to its description

By Prototype00

wow, that ship has alot of personality, nice job!

By Spottsapien

Nice concept and perfectly executed. Your ecleptic choice of part really brings to life the "junk". GJ R+

By Nomicakes

For those who comment on my asymmetry on my ships, I thank you all. Asymmetry work can be pretty darned tedious sometimes, piece by piece at it is.

By Kai-Uwe79

nice style. i really like this ship :>

By Kaleon

Quite the unique hull shape. That combined with the paint reminds me of Star Wars somehow. R+

By luckyburdock

An excellent ship, the description is great and the use of assymetry is incredible.


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