Shell-launcher Switchgun
Very good!

By Nomicakes
05/06/2010 - 09:09:50

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 17.5 (Very good!)
Tags: green, gun, nomicakes, steel


My first attempt at making some sort of fantasy weapon in Spore. The "Brood Ornament" piece makes for an amazing gripguard, similar to the one on the Model 1887 (real shotgun).


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By Jc4478

sorry typo in the last one

By Jc4478

nice. tried making a sniper but cheracters didn't hold it right =

By KillerCalamari

how the heck do you do this?

By Alex27123344

this is pretty sweet!

By L1G3R

added to my Future Weapons sporecast

By d-rob604

awesome 0.o

By ElFiaxo

nice gun ! r+

By TheBarnetts

want. R+

By Prickle27

Nice details and paint job. R+

By Nomicakes

Also, for manga enthusiasts, blame the crystal design in the center of the gun on "Tegami Bachi".

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