Call to Arms I (V2)

By Garett20
04/25/2010 - 16:27:54
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -3 (Bad)
After just coming out of interstellar drive you end up in the middle of a battle. one ship is definetly Grox, but the other ship could be anything. you board to try and find out... (part 1 of the call to arms series. )

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By Garett20
and I will make a V3
By Garett20
Then stay away from the front line and let the soldiers do the work.
By DandisSear
A very laggy adventure, and there are 2 glitches at Dronox battle. 1: I waited but no Dronox appeared. 2: The ally soldiers only attacked the Dronox at point-blank leaving my captain on the frontline to a cruel GAME OVER message. Please make a V3.