Not rated

By VelociBlade
04/18/2010 - 03:32:19

Type: Captain
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: known space, ringworld, slaver, thrint, thrintun, velociblade, velociraptorblade


The Thrintun evolved on a planet where most animal species possessed telepathic ability. Natural selection led to an environment wherein no individual species possessed great advantage over any other; defenseless off-world species, however, were easy prey. A single Thrint can manage a few dozen sentient beings simultaneously; with an amplifier helmet, the same Thrint can control an entire planet.The Thrintun are carnivores, eating and excreting through a single orifice lined with sharp teeth and fringed with feeding tentacles. They have a single faceted eye in large, round heads. Their two hands have large, clumsy fingers arranged in a mutually opposed fashion, like a mechanical grab. Thrintun had no internal mechanism for regulating appetite; for their own health and safety they had to learn while young to endure their constant, ravenous hunger rather than suffering from sickness due to overeating. The average adult male IQ is between 80-90, while females and juveniles are nearly mindless. Males come of age when they can effectively resist the telepathic control of their father.Their success in spite of low intelligence and poor skill with tools is due to the great advantage of their telepathic abilities; they never suffer much selective pressure to improve what they have. A Thrint's slaves could be far more intelligent than their master, but intelligence provided no protection at all against enslavement.Thrintun refer to their telepathy as "The Power". In their religion, The Power was self-evident of their manifest destiny to rule the galaxy. A loss or congenital lack of The Power is cause for exile in their society. These unfortunates, called Ptavvs, are tattooed pink and are enslaved by other Thrintun.Their society, though immense at its peak, is not very complex, consisting mainly of various families vying with each other for slaves and land. The only real laws were an indictment against murdering other Thrintun and two "unbreakable oaths": the prtuuvl for agreements between Thrintun, and the kpitlithtulm for agreements between a Thrint and certain valued slaves, such as the Tnuctipun. Violation of any of the above meant death by vivisection ? enough to give even the most violently desperate second thoughts about doing so.The Thrintun developed a mediocre philosophic tradition in response to their need for control over their aggressive drives. Aphorisms such as "haste is not speed" represent deep wisdom to a Thrint. The combination of strong and insatiable hunger with low intelligence also leads Thrintun to act rashly.


DNA points
42 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +0
3 %
41.13 %
7 / 20
4 / 20
5 / 15
1 / 52 / 50 / 5
4 / 50 / 55 / 5
2 / 52 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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