CRS Centurion Fighter


By Gory51
01/23/2010 - 20:21:31

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 11.67 (Good)
Tags: crs, deep space, fighter, gory51, jump drive, strike fighter


A small 1 man fighter ship capable of long range warp jumps. Perfect for deep space search and destroy or strike missions. NOW in CRS colours


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By Artificial-Rofl

Things are going good. My ships have drastically improved, as well as my other vehicles. Glad to see your back on. Angry Zealot came back as well, but I'm not sure of his status right now.

By Rantalia

Awesome ship design, this is really beautiful!

By axell13

nice looking R+

By Stepheniskira

love it! R+

By Vicros

Ohmagawd, that's stunning. I just love the curvy structure.

By alien7249

Hi check out my Boneling:D

By Warboss92

Excellent wing structure!

By Superbug716

Nice, I like the design, this colors are great

By 1107Sev

Awsome! R+

By Greenneutron

Wow looks great Gory! Love the wing shape here. Great use of parts down the middle line as well. R+ :-)

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