UFO Stadium
Not rated

By r0ckm4n01
01/23/2010 - 01:11:28

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -0.23 (Not rated)
Tags: 3 rounds, battle, great weapons required, r0ckm4n01, ufo


In this tournament, you shall battle three rounds of deadly UFOs that use a different weapon each time! From biting to shooting lazers at you. Can you defeat them? NOTE: YOU NEED GREAT WEAPONS TO DEFEAT THE UFOs, FEET ON YOUR CAPTAIN, THE ABILITY TO JUMP OR FLY, AND MAYBE THE ABILITY TO SPRINT!!!! TIP: Don't go near cracks on the platform where your battling



By Betterthanyou

No, my captain had feet and level 4 jump, and level 5 glide, but I think it's the cracks in between the platforms that get people stuck like that.

By Betterthanyou

When I played, I couldn't move. Just advice, platforms aren't great to use because they're hard to move in.


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