Not rated

By Fusion97
12/28/2009 - 20:35:32

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, gate, sg-1, stargate


original by sgoog's.

You should know what this is.. If you don't, you probely don't watch the best tv series in the universe. And yes, i mean the universe..


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By LythandStarr

I love that show! And this is VERY GOOD!

By linkman

Don don don

By JasonShadow1138

Pffffff... Dr. Who is better than Stargate, and that's just staying in the genre... however, "best" si relative, so that statement may not count for anything.

By Comicman

i hear this tv show is very insulting among most alien species......(lol)

By Westholm

Fusion97 your rigth Stargate is the best tv serie in the universe! Yes i said universe!

By IsakExplorer

Woah! I am/was a big fan to stargate series. I have ones a time even created a Wrath.

By Pat1196

Oh. Ok... that explains the Atlantis template...

By Pat1196

The best T.V. series in the universe is Family Guy, now what is the Stargate Atlantis thing, and why did you make me pretty much copy the idea in The Nano Virus II?

By Pat1196

What is Stargate Atlantis?

By groxkiller585

I used to watch stargate atlantis...before my dad died. Can't remember alot...

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