Rock monster


By ghouls
11/05/2009 - 22:50:55

Type: Creature
Rating: 3.33 (Good)
Tags: challenge, coloring, competition, contest, description, easy, elements, fun, science


This creature lives within the earth. It hunts for worms and to drink water it sucks it from the soil with its mouth that looks like roots. Its wing like features are to aid in movement through the ground. It breathes through it's skin and its tongue. It can supply just enough oxygen to its body for short bursts of movement, but after a few seconds it must stop to rest. It will often eat animals and/or humans by sticking its tail out of the ground in a cluster of trees or bushes and wait for someone to walk by. It senses movement through vibrations in the ground much like a worm. This is also how it navigates. It has a very powerful jaw, capable of crushing rocks the size of a normal man's fist. This beast rarely if ever comes out of the ground and only one has ever been seen, though it is suspected more exist. This one that has been captured has been studied thoroughly and carefully. Scientists have named it Shelly after discovering what appears to be female reproductive organs. Shelly is now docile, after much training and will not attack people. She is currently on display in the San Diego zoo. Her exhibit is mostly underground to give her a sense of home. The enclosure is much like an ant farm with viewing glass on the side and infrared t.v.'s for viewing her habits while she is not visible.


DNA points
87 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +1
17 %
48.94 %
7 / 20
8 / 20
0 / 15
2 / 51 / 50 / 5
1 / 50 / 50 / 5
4 / 54 / 50 / 5
0 / 53 / 5

By LabRatABC

nice desciption! thanks for your nice comments. re: re: I got the colors by trial-and-error with the Coat textures, and found one that paints only the torso (bee) but not limbs (ant).

By d-rob604

also great and thnx 4 commenting

By astrohero1

Hey; thanx so much for your comments on my mask thingy!

By Twarda

Very creepy one. Nice used of template.

By Creepers79

Creepy cool!


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