By LtZerge
11/04/2009 - 10:35:10
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.29 (Not rated)
Tags: at, at-te, cool, ltzerge, star, starwars, te, tech, wars
Starwars has many cool designs that I think I'll give a whirl at, here is my latest attempt: the AT-TE .... yes this took a long time, damn complexity meter! *shakes fist*
AT-TE: The AT-TE saw its use in all sorts of ground operations during the clone wars era, and was a predecessor to the AT-AT walker. A long with its wide variety of weapons, it can seat a large platoon of soldiers and carry them through a battlefield, albeit it comparatively slowly at a max speed of 35mph, what it lacks in speed it makes up for in armor and firepower. In addition to the 20 man seating capacity, the walker needs 7 trained operators to function optimally. Though capable of direct combat, its favored roll is as a general support unit, providing cover fire for troop battalions, additionally it has a ration supply and IM-6 class medical droid to keep a platoon fed, maintained, and active for up two 3 weeks for prolonged and isolated operations. Besides its 6 laser turret hard points, it also has a massive and versatile manned 'mass driver' class cannon, which can be loaded with either solid or energy munitions of all types to devastate enemies. Though heavily armed and armored with a nigh-immunity to ion class weapons, it's not without its weaknesses. The somewhat exposed midsection is vulnerable to explosives like rockets, and if hit causes the walker to take critical structure damage and collapse, in addition, the low body makes it vulnerable to high explosives such as some land mines.

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By Wooflang
Wow! That is perfect!
By Eon_Warp
Pretty good atempt.R+ shame it doesnt actually move or it'd be great :)
By Tanith
wow great work
By hk1x1
Fantastic detail, very well done.
By BBeast
As usual, the detail is among the best. I'm impressed at your efforts in making both the vehicle and the description.
By LizardNation
Nice dtail on the legs and cockpit! R+
By jsinnister
This is just fantastic! very original design. R+
By MohawkJones
Very nice work, that cannon and the detail on the legs are amazing!! Keep up the great Star Wars work!!
By Neverless
Awesome job. your starwars designs are topnotch.
By Graxiplon
Hey thanks for telling me about that toe thing on my new creation, it was an easy fix. :D
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