
By CellDaniel
09/28/2009 - 15:16:54

Type: House building
Rating: 12.5 (Good)
Tags: fountain


By dragonman4598

Heres' a story: I looked in the Sporepedia, looking for a fountain to use. I thought "Should I use Mine or CellDaniel's?" The answer came quick. Yours.

By gimli797

Do you mind if I recolor and use in a mission? I'll give you credit.

By robkins

good job

By Digital-Guy58

Not bat at all, realy nice !

By Valkayree

Sweet water effect R+

By squigglywig

Nice fountain! I like the turning parts and the water looks real! R++++

By DizzyBiz

Awesome! I love the spilling 'water' Great job. R + No adventure for me - I can't get my GA disc to run, plus I know nothing about making one. *blush*

By Hydro_Glyph

sweet fountain..


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