Clark and Stanley Go Nuclear

By terminatr117
07/04/2009 - 16:25:30

Type: Socialize adventure
Rating: 3.46 (Good)
Tags: clark, earth, explosion, maxis, nuclear, nuke, stanley


Clark and Stanley are tired of being pushed around. They are launching an attack on Maxis. A nuclear attack. P.S. Quit stealing it!



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By terminatr117

Wow. Over 4,000 plays... I AM good...

By alphapeanut

I just killed clark and stanley when they were done talking, so no one else died. Horray!

By pokemonpikachu1

my freind coppied u.

By sapphireumbra

In the words of Fred-Fred Burger, "Yes!"

By Creaturemann002

Play my clark,stanley,and the radio please (its with special music effects!)

By sqelch

ROTFLOLADL! Over 3,000 plays and still goign strong! I added this to my Sporecast!

By sqelch

I just added this to my Sporecast, Clark and Stanley. The description goes like this: Clark and Stanley. The good. The bad. The ugly. The laughter. Enjoy. It's perfect for CaS addicts like me.

By KingPrimeval


By ultimte2000

I think my eyeballs fell out my head when i saw the explosions

By MrMagik

added to sporecast!!!!

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