Boborian Habitat B

By Parkaboy
06/20/2009 - 13:05:51

Type: House building
Rating: 10.71 (Good)
Tags: gamingsteve, gaprop, parkaboy


Edit of codyr2391's Cypherian Embassies. This one is designed to be placed on the side of a cliff.


By pwurman

Why do people think that you're giving advice on building coloring now? You can't do everything! Sheesh...

By Anisaur

Can you give me a good idea for a creature so I can make a full set?

By raycat1996

hey i need a little help.check out my creature i have made.it is called dunbar.what color should it's buildings be?or texture do you think.

By ProcyonGuardian

you edit too much of codyr's stuff...

By techno605

Nice work R+:)

By Deathstrike

Vary cool, looks sorta like a spaceship parking building

By z00ropa

Very interesting.

By MaestroCreator

nice edition to the boborian set

By Ogalbo

Cool, i like the color scheme!


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