ZA Piece Gravestone

By Machina4283
05/25/2009 - 23:17:41

Type: House building
Rating: 2.73 (Good)
Tags: adventure, ga, machina4283, vasshpit, zombie


Gravestone for Zombie Adventure with Vasshpit/Machina4283


By Vasshpit

Maybe even quad grave stones... We'll see.

By Vasshpit

Hi friend, I suggest doubling up on grave stones in the same building section to save building slots. I think we can only have 50... and maze parts alone will add up to 15... We will make it work somehow. ;)

By manicmoose

Nice props :) If you put write gaprop as a tag, then when GA comes out, the props wont be used normal buildings, but only as props :)


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