250 + Subscribers!
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By Loveskin
05/16/2009 - 09:28:48
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.65 (Not rated)
Tags: 250
Wow 250 :o that's awesome! Thank you all! I'm always trying to comment back if you comment me, and it looks like that really pays of! I've got 1967 comments so far! :) thank you all! :) my subs are the best! :D i will try to keep you satisified with new spaceships and creatures all with a huge amount of "Loveskin-style" :) i wasn't quite sure if my creations would be "liked" by the audience but by looking at those numbers i think the audience loves them! Thank you!
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By cormorana
added to My SC and congrats!
By juliasiegmund
By cheesy292
250? thays not enough for these exelent creations! congrats!
By RestlessMind
You're amazing Loveskin! ^_^
By 13Jabberwock31
Awesome!!! =O You have 250+ subscribers!!! Congrats!! That's a heck of a milestone! Cheers!?
By 13Jabberwock31
Thanks for the information! Aha, the extra +'s are for adding emphasis to how you feel about a creation! Good! I'll just keep on doing what I am now. Cheers!?
By Lordtarjei
By Jomeaga
R+ Add another subscriber to that list! I just buddied
By LunarHyuuga
congratz! 250 is a big number, I'm almost at 400 now :D
By LunarHyuuga
sorry to hear about your pc meh :(
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