Not rated

By WooDaddy
05/11/2009 - 21:50:35

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: beta_psi, continuum war, frc, free rimworlds confederacy, karl-el, omnilogical, woodaddy


The Mobile Capital Repair Dock or MCRD travels to the location of any disabled ship in need of repair. It is designed to accommodate the largest carrier in the FRC fleet and to repair even the most damaged ship to full working order. The MCRD is always sent with a full compliment of armed and armored escorts.


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By ev_ers2

Cool description - my car could use one of these. r+

By cantthinkofaname

R+ Interesting idea and well made! Cool description as well. Please take a look at my creations and give comments or tips, and check out my contest as well.

By byersboy21


By Grimbot

Awesome vehicle/tunnel! It works as both! R+

By Omnilogical

Love it! Saw the little landing lights in the editor, nice touch! R+ Green :D

By Karl-EL

Every fleet needs its AAA. :)

By Loveskin

Fantastic idea! :) sure love how you made this one! :) good job! RATING UP!

By alexesworld

Blued.Very nice:)

By beta_psi

Beautifully built. I love the scale on this!

By StarUniter

I love originality:D

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